Lecture Theatre

Estimated reading: 1 minute 357 views

The Lecture theatre is located on the Ground floor of the Laban building.

Map of the Dance Faculty with the location of the Lecture Theatre highlighted on the ground floor of the Laban Building.


Length: 11m
Width: 9m
Area: 99m²
Mirrored wall: No

Permanent AV facilities

1 x Windows PC

1 x 4K enhanced Projector with options for connection to the PC or a laptop with VGA or HDMI connection.

1 x sound system and wall-mounted speakers.

Additional Information

You can set which mode to display your image, from your computer.

If using a Windows laptop, push the Windows + P key to choose between Extend and Duplicate.

On a Macbook, click the Apple icon > System Preferences > Displays > Arrangement, and check the box which says “Mirror Display”.

When extended, the projection will act as an additional screen you can drag stuff to, whereas duplicate will mirror what is already on your computer screen.

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Lecture Theatre

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