Studio 2

Estimated reading: 1 minute 264 views


Studio 2 is located on the ground floor of the Laban building.

Map of Trinity Laban’s Dance Faculty with Studio 2 highlighted on the ground floor of the Laban building.


Length: 18.9m
Width: 9.5m
Area: 179.55m²
Min/Max height: 4m/6.3m
Mirrored wall: Yes

Permanent AV facilities

1 x sound system attached to wall-mounted speakers with CD player, Bluetooth Rack Unit Receiver and iPod/laptop input cable.

1 x TV on wheeled mount with attached DVD/BluRay player, and optional HDMI input (with cable provided).

Using The Bluetooth Receiver

Ensure the Amplifier and the Bluetooth Rack Unit Receiver are turned on.

Hold down the pair button on the receiver until the light starts to blink

Go into your device’s bluetooth menu, select pair new device and select DN-300BR

On the Amplifier switch the input selector to bluetooth.

On the receiver and the amplifier turn up the volume knobs and start playing your music

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